1768 La vita è bella

Any of u Italy lovers living in Italy watched "La vita è bella" on TV last night?
What do you think of it?


Culture & Entertainment

............I have seen it before & I have never laughed or cried as much within the same film.

It still leaves me with a curious sense that I don't fully understand the impact of WWII on "Italy today" - a bit of an arty-farty topic, but something I still haven't got my head around.

Has anyone seen "La tigre e la neve"? I don't know if the title has been translated.


What channel was the movie shown on? Perhaps I can catch it the next time around...

[QUOTE=alaskaitaly]What channel was the movie shown on? Perhaps I can catch it the next time around...[/QUOTE]
If you want to I can add it to [url=http://www.vitabookclub.com]Vita Book Club[/url]. This will allow me to share my copy......

Thanks TuscanHills .... I have SKY - movies and other programs repeat so many times, I'm sure I'll catch it.