1692 Advice needed from Italy lovers!

I've been asked by some students to elaborate texts for reading practice in ½ûÂþÌìÌà which (quote) " can also help them in holding a conversation where they don't feel stupid when talking to ½ûÂþÌìÌÃs".
They are acutally looking for texts which can give them one or more subjects for conversation, while practicing their reading at the same time.
Anyone can suggest topics about Italy and the ½ûÂþÌìÌÃs they feel they should know more about, so that I can amaze them? :cool:
Thanks for any help!


General chat about Italy

Ciao Francesco, Use your local daily newspaper, select an article or two, copy, then ask the members of your class to discuss them amongst themselves, or, put them into pairs and have them explain the arguments for / against a particular project outlined in an article. Or, use leaflets about ohhhh, errm, coffee machines (from your local city per display people ??) or cars, and again have them discuss the merits of the machine vs. a coffee pot or 2 different cars... Or the merits of a coffee machine over a car???
Please send cash only in a plain envelope to show your gratitude :) :) :rolleyes:

It really depends on the level of ½ûÂþÌìÌà your students are at...

If their ½ûÂþÌìÌà is good you could certainly print an article from an italian newspaper like [url]www.corriere.it[/url] or [url]www.repubblica.it[/url]. I quite like [url]www.lastampa.it[/url] as on line you can download a 4 pages pdf file with the major news of the day.

Also reading a children's book is a good idea, as the language is easier.

not a great subject of conversation though....


Thanks everybody for your help (GeorgeS I'm planning to send you a full bag of fresh tortellini, money is so ordinary!!). Actually, I'm preparing texts for the students to get their practice, but, at the same time, giving them a taste of Italy and a good background for conversations with ½ûÂþÌìÌà folks. I'm planning to prepare articles about Alberto Sordi, Sofia Loren, ½ûÂþÌìÌà fashion, pasta, TV programs, etc. so I was just wondering what other subject might attract Italy lovers.



½ûÂþÌìÌà rock and pop stars...Zucchero is also big in UK....they can listen to the music and give their opinions.....footballers...always a winner with ½ûÂþÌìÌÃs !!! :cool:

Great suggestion, Alex & Lin, thanks!!


When I visit Abruzzo I like to try to read articles about the National Parks and wildlife so how about getting hold of a really good book on your area or some brochures from the tourist info center? Thers's a great regional magazine called D'Abruzzo but you must have one in Le Marche too. Reviews of restaurants or Exhibitions should also be intersting.

History too about a certain place Venice is always fascinating and Verona too with the Shakspear connections.

Good luck Becky

Thanks Becky! I'll start working on your ideas right away.
If any of those who contributed is ever coming to LeMarche, good wine will be complimented!


They way I work on ½ûÂþÌìÌà (sporadically) is to read the Julia comics. They're great for illustrating conversation - they're primarily conversation between characters - and your vocabulary does get full of useful words such as the italian for manslaughter, kill, investigate, bullet, and mystery. :-)

[QUOTE=Francesco]Thanks everybody for your help (GeorgeS I'm planning to send you a full bag of fresh tortellini, money is so ordinary!!). Actually, I'm preparing texts for the students to get their practice, but, at the same time, giving them a taste of Italy and a good background for conversations with ½ûÂþÌìÌà folks. I'm planning to prepare articles about Alberto Sordi, Sofia Loren, ½ûÂþÌìÌà fashion, pasta, TV programs, etc. so I was just wondering what other subject might attract Italy lovers.


They know more about the Royal Family than I do and always ask about Charles and latterly Camilla. They also like to talk about how the cost of living has risen since the euro and how lucky we are in England.

Carolyn, I guess this is what we ½ûÂþÌìÌÃs like to talk about ;-) Moaning and gossiping, that is.... Glass of wine for you as well anyway!
