1644 rotivator

what is the ½ûÂþÌìÌà word ??? Alex just back from his lessons and even his teacher who is italian didn't know the word in ½ûÂþÌìÌà ???????? :confused:

Gardening & Agriculture

Motozappa ?????? I am pretty sure that's what it was called (motorised Hoe)
I definitely think strimmers sound much more romantic as decespugliatore though although I've probably spekked everything wrong and will be harangued for it... ;)

As usual, our George has come up trumps !!! :)

Did search on Google and Yahoo and found Zappe !!! Thinking of ordering one by mail order...not sure how the Post office will react to a Zappa arriving but they are getting used to us getting loads of parcels from my e-bay exploits !!!! they bring them out in a tray !!!!! :cool:

Kenny you may want to check out these sites if you haven't already found them yourself:
Have e-mailed for prices on the last one...will let you know...like the look of the Honda FF500...seems to do loads of things...will try to translate and let you know.

Have a brilliant idea for another party......everyone can come with their Zappe and we can have Egg and Zappe races, Zappe relay races,and Zappe Slalom races (thru the olive grove !) . This way we'll get the whole plot rotivated in no time !!!!........then the following week move onto someone elses plot !!!...could become a new national sport !!!!! :D

Excellent!! I'll have a look at those web-sites and try to decipher them but my ½ûÂþÌìÌà is still pretty basic. If I see any which compare directly with any of the ones I've seen here I'll let you know if there's a price difference.