1550 Geometre fees

Do we have an ½ûÂþÌìÌà solicitor on this forum that can tell me exactly what percentage a geometre is entitled to?
Ours is asking for 10% of overall costs even tho he refused to project manage (said his job was just to make sure that things were done properly and not to contact tradesmen on our behalf )
We employed some tradesmen ourselves, and bought and fitted the kitchen ourselves, so obviously we dont think he is entitled to a percentage of those costings.
Also we are not happy with the end result and wonder if there is a complaints procedure.
He told us the work has a 10yr gaurantee, if so is it his responsibility or the alleged builders.
Also are building firms obliged to carry any certificates to prove competance and is the geometre supposed to check these?


a normal geometra charges 8-10 % of the total cost as his fee and this should include director of works which if he takes on this roll means that he then manages the whole project.... including contracting in the building work and accounting for all moneys spent...extra money is paid for all taxs and permissions...stamps ...etc.... when he becomes director of works it should also mean that no one without his express permission can carry out any work and anyone that does should be registered as competant in their trade and should be registered with the chamber of commerce and with the apropriate iva number

the geometra if a qualified engeneer and it is required that the project has to have a structural survey element can charge more.... but a normal geometra with little more than a high school qualification cannot...or should not...

by asking these questions it would seem that you are already contracted into something and it will be hard ....almost impossable here to do anything about it.... i presume that some figure was agreed as to the cost of the project and that is the only figure you should be paying the 10 % on....and as i have said before he must provide proper invoices to you for all the costs and then base his percentage on that figure.... ie you have bought the kitchen and fitted it...he therefore cannot charge you 10 5 of an invoice he does not possess ....other than that try and get on with this person and get your house done up and him out of your life ... would seem the best option.... if you have signed something beware about pulling out...they most probably have a clause of loss of earnings if you do and you will end up paying anyway....

mr charles joseph is the resident expert on all these sorts of things and most probably...and i know he is busy ... will be able to help...if he doesnt reply to your post maybe send him a PM message


You don’t need a lawyer to tell you what a Geometra or Architect charges.

With regards to who does what…this is how it works according to the regulations: To submit an application for a permesso di costruire or a DIA you need the signature (this is compulsory) of a tecnico abilitato (architect or civil engineer for complex or large jobs and a Geometra or Perito Edile for smaller, less complex jobs).

Project design and management normally comes to 8% to 10% (can go up to 14% + depending on what you want the tecnico to do for you) of the total renovation costs. On top of this you can expect a fixed fee that covers the coordination of safety, accounting, work progress and measurement plus an extra 2% for architects (CNPAIA) and IVA at 20%.

What exactly did your Geometra do on your behalf? What, if any, written agreement exists between you? Is the building company registered? Did you agree on a snagging list? Who managed your project? Who was the nominated Works Director?

When dealing with a professional Geometra or Architect, the agreement that is drawn up between you should contain the process for dealing with disputes/complaints. This agreement is called the INCARICO PER PRESTAZIONI PROFESSIONALI PER OPERE DI EDILIZIA E DI ARREDAMENTO

The building company should provide you with a 10-year guarantee.

For the benefit of new members to forum, problems like these can be avoided by having a proper contratto d’appalto drawn up. This should at least include, among other things:

The total price and payment schedule
The start and handover dates
The contractor’s obligations and responsibilities
The client’ obligations and responsibilities
The name of the Works Director and his/her responsibilities
A Clausola Penale to cover you for any loss caused by breach of contract.
Any other relevant conditions

Send me a pm or an email if you would like to discuss.