1528 hello all!

My name is Roxanne, i moved to italy just over two years ago with my parents and my elder brother.
We live in northern tuscan countryside in semi-attached house which we are in the midst of renovating.
my father is builder/handman and so is my brother, my mother is a professional oil pianter and writer and i'm part-time waitress and translator,my italian fiance is a web designer and programmer and translator.
i don't get much time on the net but would love to hear from others living in italy of any age or type.

Introduce Yourself - Piacere Conoscerti

[QUOTE=roxanne]My name is Roxanne, i moved to italy just over two years ago with my parents and my elder brother.
We live in northern tuscan countryside in semi-attached house which we are in the midst of renovating.
my father is builder/handman and so is my brother, my mother is a professional oil pianter and writer and i'm part-time waitress and translator,my italian fiance is a web designer and programmer and translator.
i don't get much time on the net but would love to hear from others living in italy of any age or type.[/QUOTE]

Hi Roxanne and welcome!

I would guess I am at least twice your age but I know there are other 'young uns' out there.

We are only part time in Italy (Calabria) at the mo but hope to change that soon!

Best wishes, Lesley & Brian