1418 Attracting ½ûÂþÌìÌà Custom

Our house purchase in Abruzzo should be completed by the end of next month, we'll be renting it out when we're not there. I'm fine with the advertising and organising of people from the UK but was wondering if anyone had tips on how to attract and organise ½ûÂþÌìÌÃs who may be interested in renting our property. Is it best to just try and find a reliable agency in the area or do you good people think it would be best to advertise on the internet, magazines, tourist information places etc. and sort it out myself. The one thing that bothers me is the language barrier, my ½ûÂþÌìÌà is still quite poor at the moment, though I am working on it :)

We were hoping to find people locally to help us run the property for cleaning, maintenance etc. rather than use an agency for everything.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, hope we haven't broken any house rules on advertising our new home.

Thanks in advance


Kerry & Susan

Property Sales/Rental Advice

In what province is your home located?
Casale [url]http://www.angelfire.com/film/casale[/url]

In the province of Pescara, it is situated between Montebello di Bertona and Vestea

Dear Kerry and Susan, congratulation, grate choice beautiful area.

If you are going to rent the place yourself this can save you some money and is not too difficult what you got to do is, put few insertion in local news papers, a bit of word of mouth publicity in the nearer villages, a word with the guy at the bar in the square and you would be able to rent the place easily. From personal experience I would think that you will mainly get short stay rental, ie holiday in the summer or maybe some groups of friends in the winter, this is ideal if you want the place to your self for the majority of the year but you wont be able to make a regular income from it. If you advertising the place yourself keep in mind that you will be dealing with queries in ½ûÂþÌìÌà and you have to organise keys, deposit etc (this can be good if you want to improve your ½ûÂþÌìÌà ).
If you know a neighbour or you have friends in the village they might look after the property for you (invite them in for a coffee). Normally they are happy to do that ie opening the property, check up that everything is in order, do some gardening etc but if you rent the place out they might not want to get involved in case something happens to it and the might feel responsible.
If you use an agency you can keep a peace of mind as you can specify to them when you want to rent the palace, how much you want for it and all the terms and conditions you want, they will keep a cut of the rent but they would be responsible for the property too and if you use the same agency for other services you will get a better treat.
You have lots of options really it all depends how comfortable you feel with dealing with all the aspects of renting and maintaining a property, and how much you are prepared to risk it.

PS don’t forget that under ½ûÂþÌìÌà law you have to declare IRPEF when you rent the place out if you are or not resident in italy.

Best of luck on what you do


Hi Stef

Thanks for your advice, it's greatly appreciated. We too think this is a beautiful area of Abruzzo that has so much to offer. The reason we've bought the house is to spend as much time as possible in the region with the view of perhaps moving out there once the kids have gone, we're hoping to rent to help pay for it. We're not expecting to have it rented out throughout the year or make a nice profit, just a few weeks a year to help pay towards the mortgage and bills would be OK.

We'd like to get to know some of the locals and have them help look after it but feel our ½ûÂþÌìÌà may let us down at present, it may have to be an agent at the beginning to get us started. I guess they'd know how to advertise our house to the ½ûÂþÌìÌà public though they are some great ideas from yourself....local newspapers etc. Thanks for the tip about the IRPEF, though we do want to do everything by the book as I'd hate to have any unnecessary trouble to worry about.

Thanks again and Regards

Kerry & Susan