2019 Is this the place?

I've been looking for a chat site for Italophiles and haven't met with much luck. Is this message board it? Are there other places for live chat? I've visited Italy three times through the study abroad program at my university and I am planning another trip next January. Obsession is not a strong enough word. At the moment I'm just looking for sympathetic pals who can understand the overwhelming longing for ½ûÂþÌìÌà soil.

Introduce Yourself - Piacere Conoscerti

Hello and welcome bellafornarina :)

Most certianly you've found a forum with ½ûÂþÌìÌà lovers. We understand your longing for ½ûÂþÌìÌà soil, and hope you have a wonderful trip in January. Not too much longer to wait, just a little more than a month away.

Warmest regards,
John and Dee

Oops, I mean January 2007. A very long time to wait!

Thanks for the greeting! I'm happy to have found this place.


One word of advice, just don't mention Puligia being better than Abruzzo (actually, select any two regions here!) or whether calenders should feature Tuscany

Welcome bellafornarina! I am ½ûÂþÌìÌà myself but find the forum here really good, and giving me a view of Italy from .... another point of view. This means it gives me the chance to appreciate things in Italy I was taking for granted.


Welcome, think you will find this forum can be fairly lively sometimes!!