1619 Greetings from Vicenza


Just moved to Vicenza from Scotland about 6 weeks ago. My wife has a job teaching in an English speaking school which my 2 kids (age 5 & 3) are also attending. I recently completed a TEFL course and am now looking for work here.

Would welcome any advice on getting connected to internet from home, what are the options (are there any others apart from TIM) and what are folks own experience of various providers.


Introduce Yourself - Piacere Conoscerti

Depends on your location, ie if you can get broadband. However GPRS with a mobile phone is well worth considering, prices very reasonable. Enquire at your local computer shop.

Hello and welcome Scooby13! If you look through the threads under "Utility Services" you can find out a lot of useful information about the subject. Hope this helps. :)


Just moved to Vicenza from Scotland about 6 weeks ago. My wife has a job teaching in an English speaking school which my 2 kids (age 5 & 3) are also attending. I recently completed a TEFL course and am now looking for work here.

Would welcome any advice on getting connected to internet from home, what are the options (are there any others apart from TIM) and what are folks own experience of various providers.

Best of luck,Vicenza is a nice place used to spend a lot of time there for business.There certainly is or should be a good demand for english language courses there.As far as internet providers are concerned there are ,it seems,a huge number.Personally i use Tiscali which has proved very reliable and is now the largest provider in Europe,other quite big ones are libero, virgilio ...They all have quite competitive DSL offers flat rates etc.If you are a computer buff you can see all this yourself otherwise (as in my case) i got a computer (freak) tec guy to get me a computer,scanner,printer,basic software,virus guard,internet connection set it all up ,test it etc with an estimate up front it was great value and time saving...