2104 Narnia

Just released is the film based on the book by C.S. Lewis 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'one of seven books which make up 'the Chronicles of Narnia'

Narnia may be an imaginary place but the name comes from what is now known as Narni in Umbria.


General chat about Italy

Loved reading The Lion the Which and the Wardrobe at school and can't wait to watch the movie, previews look fantastic

Did C.S.Lewis know Umbria and Narni then?

From the ages of 12 to about 22 C. S. Lewis read many classic latin writers.It is quite possible he came across references to Narnia in latin literature.

With the release of the film ' the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe maybe 'Italy' magazine will now consider writing an article about Narni.

...sorry, to hi-jack the tread away from matters Italy, but we've just got back from the film; what a [b]stonker![/b]